Welcome to our Preschool class . We are glad everyone is visiting our website. I am so delighted to be at Hardeman R-X as the preschool teacher. Preschool is the first introduction to a lifetime of learning. I attended a Project Construct training in Kansas City and learned so many wonderful and valuable things regarding socialization and curriculum expectations for preschool aged students. I will be implementing this curriculum along with the Missouri Early Learning Standards. This means that the children are given opportunities to create or construct their own learning depending on their interest and abilities. You won’t find us sitting in large groups at a desk or tables doing worksheets. You might however, see a child writing Mrs. Whyte a pretend speeding ticket using materials in the Writing Center. You might see a group of children working together to build a castle in the Block Center. Someone might be gluing buttons, wiggle eyes, sequins, or feathers to a paper towel tube in our Art Center. We will be busy busy preschoolers. I look forward to our preschool adventure with your child and your family. If you should have any questions you can call me at the school or email me.